People who seriously engage in bodybuilding and weight-lifting take SYN pharma testosterone because the injectable compound enables them to recover rapidly with better results. Most users of this type of steroid manifest that after undergoing intense training and exercises, they quickly gain muscle mass and strength as results of hypertrophy training.
What Exactly is Hypertrophy Training?
The term hypertrophy refers to the natural response of cells and tissues of the skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers to accumulate greater quantities of structural proteins during exercise and workouts. Hypertrophy training involves moderate weight lifting, usually at a standard maximum of 75% to 85% of the weight that a powerlifter, weightlifter or bodybuilder can lift repeatedly in a moderate repetition of 6 to 12 lifts per set. This type of exercise requires taking short breaks of at least one (1) minute between every rep-set.
Taking in a testosterone supplement will help the body’s metabolism improve, especially during hypertrophy training. The body responds by taking in more protein to use in building muscle size and preventing muscle loss in areas that undergo hypertrophy exercises such as bicep curls, tricep extensions, leg extensions and dumbbell skull crushers, which is just to mention a few.
A Closer Look at SYN Pharma Testosterone Undecanoate
A popular example of a SYN Pharma anabolic steroid, available as a testosterone supplement is the Testosterone Undecanoate injectable solution. It’s quite popular among bodybuilding enthusiasts because it has an exceptionally long half-life. Half-life being the time it takes for a specific substance to reduce the effect of its powerful concentration while in the body.
Testosterone Undecanoate is a 200mg/ml solution that SYN Pharma designed for people seeking to use anabolic androgenic steroids that require less frequent injections due to the long-lasting effect of the compound. Athletes and bodybuilders who have busy schedules or who always travel, consider Testosterone Undecanoate as an excellent choice because the administration of injections can be as infrequent as once after every three weeks only.
Manufactured by SYN Pharma in accordance with pharma-grade standards and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), Testosterone Undecanoate injectable solution has been clinically proven efficient in maintaining stable testosterone levels even with minimal administration of injections. Users of this SYN Pharma muscle-building and performance-enhancing supplement manifest the development of well-defined muscles, attainment of increased energy levels and improvement of disposition.
SYN Pharma guarantees the purity, reliability and overall quality of Testosterone Undecanoate purchased online from PGAnabolics. However, it’s still important to first consult with a licensed medical practitioner when opting to take synthetic testosterone products as a health supplement.